The Slow Cooker Hack You Need To Try For Poached Eggs

Poached eggs are a breakfast treasure. Creamy, delicate, and mildly flavorful with a soft, tender texture, poached eggs have been enjoyed for centuries. They are central to many delicious brunch favorites, such as eggs benedict. Named after the French word "poché," which means small pocket, poached eggs are cooked by boiling or steaming them outside of their shells, creating a pocket of egg white surrounding a liquidy, sunken yolk. And while the timing-specific method often intimidates novice cooks, practice can deliver a masterfully poached egg packed with flavor.

But no rule says you have to poach eggs on your stovetop — using your slow cooker is a stress-free method of poaching eggs. Your slow cooker will take the popular culinary technique to the next level of ease and mess-free cooking while delivering a rich, buttery — while generally neutral — flavor profile. So put your pots away, and let your slow cooker come to the rescue.

Using your slow cooker to poach eggs

Using your slow cooker to make perfectly poached eggs is easy with a few simple steps, beginning with choosing the right eggs. While egg color and size have no bearing on the quality or taste of your poached eggs, you'll want to use the freshest eggs you can get your hands on. Fresh eggs (no more than 30 days old by USDA standards)  will hold that perfect poached sphere best, and will also have firmer whites.

You'll want to poach your fresh eggs in individual ramekins (or silicone baking cups), being sure to grease them with cooking spray beforehand, so that your eggs retain a uniform shape and stay separated. Then, you'll simply crack one egg into each prepared ramekin, and gently place them into your preheated slow cooker, being sure there's enough water surrounding them, but that they are not fully submerged (about ½ inch). You should be able to fit about five ramekins at once, depending on the size of your cooker. 

If you like your eggs runny, cook for about 15 minutes. Add roughly five more minutes for a firmer yolk. When your eggs are done, feel free to serve them directly from the ramekin. Wondering how to store your poached eggs? Store them in your refrigerator in cold water for four or five days. And just like that, your breakfast is made better. 

Delicious pairings for your slow cooker poached eggs

There's no shortage of ways to enjoy your slow cooker poached eggs. While a good plate of eggs benedict is indeed a trusty favorite, poached eggs are versatile enough to pair well with an array of flavors beyond the classics. If you're looking for a savory and creamy pairing, top your avocado toast with soft-poached eggs for a delicious brunch dish that maximizes the thick, velvety textures. Feel free to sprinkle a little sea salt and crushed pepper on top to bring all of the flavors together. 

You can also throw a few poached eggs on top of your next bowl of cheesy grits, and add some bacon and greens for a seriously hearty comfort food dish. The salty flavor of the bacon will enhance the richness of the egg yolk for a decadent breakfast of champions. Take this pairing to the next level by using creamy, tangy goat cheese in your grits. And there's no reason you can't add a delicious poached egg to some lighter fare, either. If you're in the mood for a refreshing Lyonnaise salad, go ahead and toss a slow cooker poached egg on top and allow the flavor-forward richness of your egg to shine.